The Mission’s communities are vibrant and diverse and they span a nine-thousand-five-hundred square mile area that more than ninety-thousand Mainers call home spanning from southern Maine to the Canadian border. We are sharing the stories of these people and their communities, in their own words. First up is Sarah Saxby who lives on Frenchboro.
How long have you been on your island, or coming to your island?
I have been on Frenchboro since October of 2014, and my husband’s been here since April of 2011.

What’s special to you about your island?
There are many things special about Frenchboro, it is sort of a magical place. The people who make up the island are the foundation of making it a wonderful place to live. We have so many people from all walks of life who come together to keep our island moving forward. I love that we can live life at a slower pace. Sometimes I forget how lucky we are to be able to call it home. It is breathtaking looking out and seeing Acadia across the bay.
Your gift to the Maine Seacoast Mission makes you part of all we do.
What’s challenging?
One thing that is really challenging is when you have events with family or friends off island. With such limited boat service, and always having to factor in the weather, on top of that, I also have two boys in the school so that limits traveling even further. There are so many events that we miss.Everything in your life must be planned, it can’t be spontaneous, which is hard for someone like me who grew up with a mom who loved to do spontaneous trips. I want to be able to give my kids all of life experiences and sometimes I feel like there are things they are missing out on.
What do you like to do here? Work, play, or otherwise?
I love all that Frenchboro has to offer. In the sense of what I like to do here, this is my everyday life, I enjoy doing everyday life here. I work the post office 3 days a week, so it is exciting getting to see the residents. I work in the town office as the office coordinator and excise tax collector, and I enjoy both of those positions. Something exceptional about Frenchboro is our hiking trails. We have stunning trails, with just the most bewitching views, again it is just a magical place.
What do you wish for Frenchboro?
My wish for Frenchboro is to see it continue to be a year-round island. There used to be hundreds of year-round island communities, now we’re down to just 15. I know that the island will have to change and adapt to keep surviving, but my hope is that we are able to do that. Frenchboro holds such a special place in my heart, I hope that one day my grandchildren will be able to see the island, and for kids to be able to tell stories from their childhood.
Is it important for the Mission to visit your island?
The Mission is so important to our island. The Mission not only brings out services that our island needs, but they are one of the heart veins to the island, that makes it just a little bit easier to be out in such an isolated location. The crew of the Sunbeam is beyond phenomenal. Life can throw so many curve balls at you, and in the extra layer of island living, having those members to be able to reach out to and ask for help is something we can never take for granted, something I will always be thankful for. Seeing that big boat come into the harbor always makes even the hardest day shine a little brighter.