Down East’s ‘Great Maine Scavenger Hunt’ Reaches our Table of Plenty Community Supper

Down East’s ‘Great Maine Scavenger Hunt’ Reaches our Table of Plenty Community Supper

Wendy Harrington (center) with Cathy Ames and Valerie Hill.

CHERRYFIELD, ME — Mission Service Program Director Wendy Harrington sends a note and news of the arrival of two ladies taking part in Down East magazine’s The Great Maine Scavenger Hunt.

“Cathy Ames and Valerie Hill were awesome helpers and wowed our diners with four homemade pies and a big pot of baked beans,” writes Wendy Harrington.

The Hunt’s purpose is to send “Down East readers out to explore all 35,385 square miles of Maine — from mountains to sea, from potato fields to city streets — in pursuit of the best Maine summer ever.”

One item on the Hunt’s list is to be at a “Community Supper in Cherryfield.” What better than our Downeast Campus’s “Table of Plenty” Community Supper?

Learn how you can attend and/or sponsor a Table of Plenty Community Supper. Click here.

High School Volunteers Build Community Center Access Ramp

High School Volunteers Build Community Center Access Ramp

Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School volunteers with Housing Rehabilitation Program Manager Scott Shaw

CHERRYFIELD, ME — Housing Rehabilitation Program Manager Scott Shaw sent this photo of “a new wheel chair ramp built by the Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School on the Community Center this past week/weekend!”

What a fantastic addition to the Weald Bethel Community Center, making it easier than ever for people relying on wheelchairs, scooters, and walkers — or who have difficulty using stairs — to get in-and-out of the Community Center and enjoy the events.

Thank you, Assabet School volunteers.

Learn how your support of the Mission’s Housing Rehabilitation Program helps many Downeast coast community people in so many ways.

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