by maineseacoast | Feb 10, 2020 | Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Sunbeam

BELFAST, ME — Thank you again, Front Street Shipyard, for these photos of the Sunbeam refit. The top photo, posted Feb. 4, shows a craftsman “prepping to reinstall the soft patch” in the boat.
The second photo, posted Feb. 5, shows “sandblasting the forward main deck” on the Sunbeam. Amazing work.
by maineseacoast | Feb 6, 2020 | Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Scholarships

Scholarship Director Terri Rodick, front row center, with Mission scholars in late 2019
BAR HARBOR, ME — Ellsworth radio station WDEA AM 1370 gleaned from the University of Maine’s Dean’s List 2019 the names of those students listed from Hancock and Washington Counties.
Among those students are these Maine Seacoast Mission Scholarship recipients: Molly Brown Austin Stover, Lindsay Bland, Keely Tibbetts, Ali Eaton, Jude Zanoni, Andrea Knapp, and Shaina Murdaugh.
After looking over UM’s Dean’s List 2019, Mission Scholarship Director Terri Rodick said, “These students are a great group of young adults. I am pleased to see they are all doing so well and proudly representing the Mission with great pride and honor.”
The Mission’s 2020 Scholarship Application and Re-Application will be available for downloading later this month on the Mission web site.
by maineseacoast | Feb 6, 2020 | Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Sunbeam
BELFAST, ME — “The new Northern Lights Generators were hoisted into the Sunbeam engine room on Wednesday, February 5. These will be a big improvement over the removed units. They are more fuel efficient and have an insulated sound enclosure (not installed yet) that will considerably reduce the noise in the Sunbeam living area,” said Captain Mike Johnson who sent these new refit photo updates.
“Engine noise on a boat has a significant impact on the crew especially in cases where the generators need to run at night,” said Capt. Johnson.
by maineseacoast | Feb 5, 2020 | Island Health, Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Sunbeam

L-R: Island Outreach Director Douglas Cornman, Island Health Director Sharon Daley
February 2020 Volume 25, No. 2
Truck Calls
by Eva Murray
The history of nursing on Matinicus Island goes way back.
Sharon is on the island.
Even those of us who are pretty convinced that we don’t need anything are on Sharon Daley’s radar. She’s the registered nurse associated with the Maine Seacoast Mission—to most of us, “the Sunbeam”—and she’s the closest thing a few islanders have to a primary care provider. Checking on her island patients she’ll often just stop by to visit, or we’ll drop by aboard the Sunbeam when they’re in the harbor, to visit with her, even if we don’t need anything. That’s how health care ought to work.
At the moment the 75’ vessel Sunbeam is in the shipyard, so our pleasant visits aboard (focused largely on steward Jillian’s cookie jar) will have to wait. The ‘Beam’s telemedicine unit, where a patient on the island—in a private area aboard the boat—can interact in real time with a physician, counselor or other provider over a high-resolution video link, has changed the nature of “isolation.” Folks who don’t go to the mainland much can have greater access to medical care and advice than ever before. Still, a videoconference is not the same as a conversation with a human being, particularly when that human is a trusted friend, an experienced nurse who knows a thing or two about the real world.
Full Story
by maineseacoast | Feb 4, 2020 | Downeast Campus, EdGE, Maine Seacoast Mission, News

WASHINGTON, DC — Maine Seacoast Mission EdGE Journey Program Coordinator Briana West visited Washington DC the last week in January. Briana was with fellow Lerner Foundation Program Coordinators and staff attending the 2020 National Mentoring Summit.
This professional development opportunity was provided by the Lerner Foundation to honor Program Coordinators for their growth, commitment and passion as they work to support middle and high school students in the communities they serve.
Learn more about the EdGE Journey program.
by maineseacoast | Feb 3, 2020 | Downeast Campus, Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Weald Bethel Community Center
CHERRYFIELD, ME — Happy 90th Birthday to Ramona West. Daughter Brenda Duggan rented the Weald Bethel Community Center for this special occasion. There was a strong showing of family and friends for Ms. West. Happy Birthday!