Housing Rehabilitation Program Assistant Maurice Tenney with one of his remarkable truck walls of volunteer signatures.
CHERRYFIELD, ME — The Mission’s Housing Rehabilitation Program and its years old collection of Housing Rehab volunteers signatures is retiring.
“Unfortunately, our Housing Rehabilitation Program box truck has reached the end of its service,” said Housing Rehab Program Manager Scott Shaw.
“Our truck will take with it to the great rehab project in the sky, all of our Housing Rehab volunteer signatures starting in 2016. Maurice Tenney, the Housing Rehab Progrom Assistant came up with this wonderful idea many years ago. Hopefully this volunteer signature collecting tradition continues the with the box truck replacing her,” said Scott.
Contact Scott K Fish, Communications and Marketing [email protected] or 207-458-7185
Maine Seacoast Mission 2020 Scholarship Applications Now Available Online
BAR HARBOR, ME — Maine Seacoast Mission’s Scholarship Program 2020 Application and Re-Application are available now for downloading online. The deadline postmark for applying for a Mission scholarship is May 1, 2020.
Through its Scholarship Program, the Mission helps recent high school graduates and adults, from Maine’s offshore islands and Downeast communities, continue their educations and achieve their dreams.
Since 1918, the Mission has awarded almost $3 million to 3,692 deserving students. Each year the Mission awards approximately 30 new scholarships based on student financial needs and academic promise. Scholarships can be renewed each year of a multi-year program, resulting in nearly 100 Mission scholarships in any given year.
Mission President John Zavodny said, “As the first member of my family to complete college, I am a big believer in the transformational power of education. Whether through college, online learning, technical schools, bridge programs, apprenticeships — the many effective ways for students of all ages to now continue their education are incredibly important. The Mission is grateful to have helped so many people reach their education goals over the last century and we are committed to continuing our support for many generations to come.”
In 2019 the Mission renewed 60 scholarships totaling $106,500, and awarded 28 new scholarships totaling $59,000.
“Act now to apply for one of the Mission’s amazing scholarships,” said Scholarships Program Director Terri Rodick. “We offer financial help and emotional support too. Don’t wait until it’s too late.”
CHERRYFIELD, ME — It is a February break camp tradition EdGE kids look forward to every year: mini golfing at Cherryfield Academy! Community members design a different 18-hole course every year. EdGE kids have a blast voting for their top three choices and putting their way to lasting memories.
CHERRYFIELD, ME — Join us for a screening of the new documentary Six Primrose, which tells the story of how food brought a Canadian community together, while providing insight into how something similar can happen at Maine Seacoast Mission’s Downeast Campus.
For years, the neighborhood of Dartmouth North has struggled with high rates of food insecurity and isolation. In 2014, the community rallied to build a vibrant Community Food Centre where people come together to grow, cook, share, and advocate for good food for all.
Filmmakers John Hills and Hannah Minzloff of Truefaux Films were there to capture the changes that ensued: a parking lot transforms into a community garden, an empty building fills with the smells and sounds of people making food together, strangers turn into friends, and together, residents start to push for change.
Through the powerful stories of Amanda, Jessica, Charlie, Oras, and Ken, community members who are all struggling in different ways when they walk through the doors of the Dartmouth North Community Food Centre, we see how vibrant spaces and programs can change people’s lives, and contribute to healthier communities.
Join us at the Weald Bethel Community Center, Cherryfield, ME, after the screening for a discussion on how issues of food insecurity, poverty, and isolation are affecting our community, ideas to address those issues, and how you can get involved.
Six Primrose was created by Truefaux Films. This screening is presented by Maine Seacoast Mission. For more information contact Wendy Harrington by email [email protected] or by phone: 207-546-5867
CHERRYFIELD, ME — Downeast Campus Facilities Manager Scott Shaw is spreading word of a Live Family Feud Fundraiser this Saturday, Feb. 22, on behalf of The Ark Animal Shelter, Cherryfield, ME, at the Mission’s Weald Bethel Community Center.
According to The Ark’s mission statement, “Since 1984, the ARK has been committed to providing compassionate care and placement of homeless animals, alleviating overpopulation of companion animals by promoting low cost spay/neuter programs, and promoting and improving the welfare of all animals through community outreach and education. The Ark is a nonprofit IRS 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the care of homeless, unwanted, or displaced animals. As a no-kill shelter, The Ark does not euthanize unless a serious medical or behavioral problem exists.”
The Live Family Feud is hosted by local artist Maeve Perry. Ms. Perry’s art work is currently on display at the Weald Bethel Community Center.
MACHIAS, ME — Thank you to Kindergarten teacher Christy Rolfe for these photos of kids taking part in a recent EdGE STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) class. Valentines Day candy hearts were used to make a balance, to see if the kids could use candy hearts to keep the balance level.
“The kiddos did great and really enjoyed coming up with inventive ways to keep the hearts from falling,” said Christy.