It’s Thank you Thursday. Today’s shout out of Mission love goes to the Maine Mobile Health Program based in Augusta. MMHP is Maine’s only farmworker health organization.
“Community members in [the Downeast] area have faced challenges accessing vaccine appointments through the large vaccination sites. And there aren’t too many of those sites close to this area,” said MMHP CEO Lisa Tapert.
The Mission was happy to say yes to MMHP’s request to use our Downeast Community Center in Cherryfield as a base for a Covid-19 vaccination clinic. MMHP brought the clinic to the area in collaboration with Mission partner Mano en Mano out of Milbridge.
The Mission appreciates MMHP offering health care access to our community members. And we look forward to helping reach future area health goals. This is what community looks like.
It’s Thank you Thursday. Today’s shout out of Mission love goes to Scout Troop 139 of Cherryfield led by Scott Davis, Amanda Davis, Lorena Caler, and Kaitlin Merchant.
Saturday April 17, Troop 139 held a food drive to help the community members who frequent the Mission food pantry. The Troop set up tables at three locations: 4 Corners Shop ‘n Save in Columbia, Bayside Shop ‘n Save in Milbridge, and Matthews Country Store in Steuben.
Troop 139 food drive participants were Hannah Roeber, Emery Merchant, Isaac Merchant, Acadia Verway, Maddie Gay, Sabrina Davis, Kiya Bunnell, Danny Caler, Bishmita Dahl.
Mission Food Programs Coordinator Stephanie Moores said of the drive, “Our food pantry tables were full. I was very excited to have so much food to put away. Canned veggies, fruit, cereal, pasta, soup, even diapers and baby formula!” Stephanie said Troop 139 “also raised over $645 for the pantry. We are so thankful.”
CHERRYFIELD, ME — EdGE Site Coordinator Jen Kearns describes her April 17 photos. She says, “Cherryfield students shake their way to a delicious treat. Students made ice cream in a bag and learned a little science in between bites.”
It’s Thank you Thursday. Today’s shout out of Mission love goes to the Garden Club of Mount Desert.
It is always a joyful sign of spring when the Mission receives an annual gift from the Garden Club of Mount Desert. As far back as our records go, this wonderful organization has supported the work of the Mission. We so appreciate their mission – which began in 1923 – and how they improve life on MDI.
During the Depression, vegetable plots were established by members and unemployed island men tended them to supplement their incomes. The Garden Club has undertaken civic projects throughout the years. The Garden Club has an Open Garden Day every other year. After expenses are met, 100 percent of the proceeds are donated to local horticultural and conservation organizations.
CHERRYFIELD, ME — Power in partnership. A huge thank-you to our community volunteers, the Maine Seacoast Mission, Maine Mobile Health Program, and Maine DHHS for making this possible. At last week’s Community Vaccine Clinic 58 people received vaccines, access to interpreters, and some tasty treats.
If you have any questions or are interested in attending a vaccine clinic in the future, please contact Juan Jose at: 207-210-1997. BUSINESS NEWS Boat, snowmobile, camel: Vaccine reaches world’s far corners By DAVID SHARP – April 7, 2021 1:06 am
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — After enduring 40-knot winds and freezing sea spray, jostled health care providers arrived wet and cold on two Maine islands in the North Atlantic late last month to conduct coronavirus vaccinations.
As they came ashore on Little Cranberry Island, population 65, residents danced with excitement.
“It’s a historic day for the island,” said Kaitlyn Miller, who joined a friend in belting out “I’m not giving away my shot!” from the Broadway show Hamilton when the crew arrived.