by maineseacoast | Nov 20, 2017 | Island Health, News, Sunbeam

BAR HARBOR, ME — Island Health Director Sharon Daley’s photo taken last week at sunrise on Matinicus Isle gives us an idea of life on a Maine island 20 miles from the mainland.
For island residents, even accessing basic health care is challenging. Some islands have no daily ferry service. Trips to the mainland, when possible, are expensive and time consuming.
The Island Health program is part of the Mission’s focus for 2017’s #GivingTuesday on Nov. 28th. Learn more:
Maine Seacoast Mission plays a vital role in connecting residents of Maine’s most isolated islands with medical care, personal care, modern technology, and educational services. Director Sharon Daley meets with islanders in their homes, and on the Sunbeam V. Between trips Sharon stays in touch by phone, internet.
Sunbeam V has state-of-the-art telemedicine facilities. Islanders can have virtual office visits with mainland doctors. Adults/children connect with psychiatrists for evaluations and medication reviews. A growing number of island residents use telemedicne equipment to meet with mental health and substance abuse counselors.
by maineseacoast | Nov 14, 2017 | Island Health, News

Island Health Director Sharon Daley, RN travels by skiff to Matinicus flu clinic.
BAR HARBOR, Me — October 17, The Sunbeam V left Northeast Harbor for a three-day Island Health tour. Timing is critical when the Sunbeam V motors in to Matinicus harbor. Low tide will strand the boat for about 12-hours. On trips when the Sunbeam V cannot spend that much time at Matinicus, Sharon has to rely on the Sunbeam V skiff to travel to the island.
In this photo, taken from the Sunbeam V, the boat’s Engineer, Storey King, is taking Sharon to a scheduled flu clinic at Matinicus.
The Island Health program is part of the Mission’s focus for 2017’s #GivingTuesday on Nov. 28th. Learn more:
by maineseacoast | Nov 7, 2017 | Island Health, Island Outreach, Maine Seacoast Mission, News
Thank you, Sigma Kappa!

Sigma Kappa Sorority raises funds for Alzheimer’s Research
Posted: Monday, November 6, 2017 4:34 pm
Swapna Vettiyil, Staff Writer

Sigma Kappa members Larissa Enriquez and Ariel Forbes speak to Paul Napolitano about the Ultra Violet week
Sigma Kappa’s five philanthropies include the Sigma Kappa Foundation, Inherit the Earth, Gerontology with an emphasis in Alzheimer’s disease research, Maine Seacoast Mission and the Alzheimer’s Association.
The Sigma Kappa Foundation promotes service and leadership through scholarship, while Inherit the Earth helps protect the earth and save the environment.
Full story
by maineseacoast | Oct 31, 2017 | Island Health, News, Sunbeam

Island Health Director Sharon Daley, RN hosted another successful elder care conference to network with like-minded groups and individuals on ways to improve care for the elderly among Maine’s unbridged island communities.
What follows is a summary and two photos of the conference participants from Sharon Daley’s assistant, Margaret Snell. More details to follow.
Margaret Snell
Thu 10/26/2017 2:04 PM
Hello –
Here are some initial details about the conference. I will write up more later after I have gone through evaluations.
Who: Eleven island communities including: Cranberry Isles, Isle au Haut, Vinalhaven, North Haven, Matinicus, Islesboro, Chebeague, Long Island, Peaks Island, Cliff Island along with Indian Island.
Four representatives from State agencies.
What: Island Eldercare conference, bringing together those invovled in elder care on Maine’s coastal Island, and Indian Island to discuss challenges, learn about resources, make action plans.
When: October 24-25
Where: McNeil’s on Islesboro
Attached are a couple of pictures. The group is front row (l-r): Cheryl Crowley, Maddy Gates, Bonnie Hughes. Second row: Peggy Akers, Christina Noyes, Beatrice Bryne, Margaret Snell, Alison Richardson, Vicki Todd. Back Row Stefanie Alley, Marge Powers, Kathi Lovell, Robyn Sockbeson, Mikki Amers, Amy Tierney, Sharon Daley, Maura Michael, Amy Rick, Mary Terry, Beth Marcheson.
by maineseacoast | Oct 30, 2017 | Island Health, News, Sunbeam

Please check the Sunbeam Island Services Schedule Calendar for any schedule changes due to weather conditions or other considerations.
The Sunbeam V is scheduled to visit Frenchboro, Matinicus, and Isle au Haut.
Questions about Island Health Services and Telemedicine? Please contact Director of Island Health Services Sharon Daley, RN.
For other inquiries about the Sunbeam, contact Director of Island Outreach Douglas Cornman.
by maineseacoast | Oct 10, 2017 | Island Health, News, Sunbeam
BAR HARBOR, Me — Mission Director of Island Health Sharon Daley, RN took a few days, while the Sunbeam V is in dry dock, to attend the Third National Telemedicine and Telehealth Service Provider Showcase in Phoenix, AZ. The two full-day convention (Oct. 2-3), according to the event program, “focuses on building partnerships to bring high quality telemedicine- and telehealth-enabled medical speciality services directly into hospitals, clinics, private practices, and patient homes.”
Director Sharon Daley said, “To improve what we do, I wanted to see the newest technology, and what others are doing in the field. It is amazing what technology can and will do. Also, it’s gratifying to know the Mission is at the forefront with offering telemedicine.”