People & Places – Isaac Marnik

People & Places – Isaac Marnik

CHERRYFIELD, ME – I joined the Mission in 2005 as a Site Coordinator for the EdGE Program, worked until 2008 when I pursued other adventures, before returning to the Mission in 2011. I have worked here since. Currently I am Director of the EdGE Program. The strength of the relationships and connections the Mission makes with children, families, and communities brought me back to Maine and the Mission.

Having grown up in Maine, there are many beautiful places that I have enjoyed. Recently my favorite place is simply getting outside with the family, being able to see the excitement of my toddler as he explores. From looking at birds in the backyard to discovering what is underneath seaweed near the ocean. His excitement makes those places my favorite place to be.

Learn more about EdGE.

Journey Cohort 3 Weekend – Teamwork, Resiliency

Journey Cohort 3 Weekend – Teamwork, Resiliency

CHERRYFIELD, ME — Program Manager Dakin Hewlett and Program Coordinator Briana West shared this update about the Mission’s EdGE Journey six-year youth mentoring program. EdGE Journey, launched in 2017,  is made possible by the Emanuel and Pauline A. Lerner Foundation and its mentoring-based initiative, Aspirations Incubator:

This past weekend, due to the pandemic, EdGE Journey students in Cohort 3 met as a group for the first time since they were selected into the program. The Narraguagus Jr/Sr High School soon-to-be 9th grade students eagerly awaited the opportunity to campout overnight at the Mission’s Weald Bethel Community Center in Cherryfield, and begin building stronger connections with their peers and Journey staff. 

They kicked off the weekend by helping Mission staff unload 17,000 pounds of food for the food pantry. Later, the students supported each other during ropes course challenges, discussed their hopes and goals for the upcoming high school transition, shared laughs while swimming at Spring River, and enjoyed s’mores by the campfire.

The trip ended with the Cohort cooking an entire meal for a crowd of community members attending the Downeast Table of Plenty on Sunday evenings.

The Mission Journey staff would like to recognize the dedication, grit, and resiliency these youth leaders have shown over the past year. They look forward to more opportunities for exploration and the continued journey ahead!

Learn more about the EdGE Journey program by contacting Dakin Hewlett at [email protected].

Thank you Thursday for Trailblazer Award Winner Brittney Church

Thank you Thursday for Trailblazer Award Winner Brittney Church

It’s Thank you Thursday. Today’s shout out of Mission love goes to this year’s Trailblazer Award winner at our 2021 President’s Scholarships Celebration – Brittney Church.

Brittney, a Narraguagus High School (NHS) graduate, is entering her fourth year at the University of Maine Farmington studying Elementary Education. She is incredibly driven, smart, and resilient. In addition to her regular course work, Brittney is enrolled in graduate classes.

Brittney has been with the Mission’s EdGE program first as a participant, then as a paid EdGE employee. She was a standout to anyone witnessing her care and compassion with students. She was – and is – a strong advocate for the young children of Washington County. Working with our mentor program at NHS, Brittney was loved by students and staff. Selecting her as a 2018 EdGE Scholarship recipient was an easy choice.

Brittney has responded to a life with many hardships by becoming a very nurturing person; an amazing friend, sister, student, and teacher. In her “spare time” Brittney tutors math to students in the Cherryfield area. She is currently working full-time at a daycare, while studying remotely because of the pandemic.

Through hard work and sacrifices, Brittney bought herself a new car. She is very independent, determined, and stands up for what she thinks is right. Brittney will always keep true to what she believes is important. We are so excited to help her on her journey.

This is what community looks like.

EdGE Summer Camp’s Positive Risk Takers

EdGE Summer Camp’s Positive Risk Takers

CHERRYFIELD, ME — A photo update from EdGE Site Coordinator Jen Kearns. These pics were taken by students showing other students learning basic photography at Cherryfield EdGE Summer Camp.

Said Jen, these photos also show, “Cherryfield students learning positive risk taking by overcoming their fears and perceived danger in a safe, supportive environment. “The Flying Squirrel” is a favorite by newcomers to the ropes course.”

And at EdGE Summer Camp, said Jen, “Outdoor free play is a time for the kids to hone their basketball skills and develop friendships with their future opponents.”

Learn more about EdGE Summer Camp.

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