Front Street Shipyard, Belfast, Maine

As the ‘Sunbeam’ returns to Northeast Harbor on October 2nd, I am looking for a few boats to commit to joining us in the parade.

If you (or a friend) have a boat and can join us, please let Mission Development Associate Anna Silver know. She can be reached by phone 207-801-6011 or email: [email protected].

If you find yourself free at the last minute – we would still love to have you with us.

The ‘Sunbeam’ leaves Belfast Harbor earlier in the day. The boat parade starts on the final leg of that trip and follows the ‘Sunbeam’ back home to Northeast Harbor.

Here is the parade schedule:

Friday October 2nd:

3:15PM – 3:45PM: ‘Sunbeam’ arrives near bell buoy R#8 off Cranberry Island.

3:45PM – 4:15PM: Boats assemble for parade. Capt. Mike Johnson will organizing this on VHF radio channel #71.

4:15PM: ‘Sunbeam’ and parade depart for Northeast Harbor. 4:30PM arrival.


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