- Judy and friends at DETOP
- Healthy Acadia teens prepare DETOP meal
- Heidi and family at DETOP
- Betty and Ted at DETOP
- David Wrinkly and Sarah M at DETOP
CHERRYFIELD, ME — Last weekend was a “big weekend” at our Downeast Community Campus for Down East magazine’s Great Maine Scavenger Hunt volunteers, said Mission Service Program Director Wendy Harrington.
The Hunt’s purpose is to send “Down East readers out to explore all 35,385 square miles of Maine — from mountains to sea, from potato fields to city streets — in pursuit of the best Maine summer ever.” One item on the Hunt’s list is to be at a “Community Supper in Cherryfield.”
“We had nine participants help prepare and serve the meal on Sunday,” said Director Wendy Harrington. “Teens and staff from Healthy Acadia’s Teen Ag Summer Program harvested, prepared and served a delicious spaghetti supper with lots of delicious salads and vegetable stir fried dishes,” Harrington said.
Learn how you can attend and/or sponsor a Table of Plenty Community Supper. Click here.