About the Mission
Maine Seacoast Mission has been a trusted friend along the Maine coast for more than 100 years. It is a privilege to be part of the lives of those we serve—to share meals, work together, and know their hopes, fears, joys, and sorrows.
We are committed to our work for the long haul, and island and coastal residents know they can rely on us. The trust that has grown between the Mission and the people of Downeast Maine is our greatest asset.
We believe in the capacity of individuals and communities to determine their own futures. While much of our course has never altered, we are also committed to listening and responding to the changing needs of those we serve. We listen, we respond, and we are here. We honor diversity and recognize that the individuals and communities we work with are affected by larger societal, environmental, and economic forces. To foster a more equitable and inclusive approach, we employ systems-thinking and multi-generational strategies and embrace the complexity of the people and communities we serve.
Two Congregational ministers founded the Maine Seacoast Mission, but receiving the Mission’s services has never depended on religious beliefs or church membership. We honor a spiritual center that values wholeness and respects people, community and diversity.

Mission Statement
Rooted in a history of compassionate service and mutual trust, the Mission seeks to strengthen coastal and island communities by educating youth, supporting families, and promoting good health.
What We Do
Where We Serve
The Maine Seacoast Mission works among the islands along the eastern coast and coastal communities of Downeast Maine. The Sunbeam is a mainstay on the islands of Matinicus, Monhegan, Isle au Haut, Frenchboro, Swan’s Island, Great Cranberry, and Islesford, and offers some services for Vinalhaven, North Haven, Islesboro, and the Casco Bay islands.
Our Downeast Campus is in Cherryfield, while our administrative headquarters—and the Sunbeam’s homeport—are in Northeast Harbor on Mount Desert Island.

Our work is your work, made possible by your generous gifts.
No matter how hard times get, the Mission will be there, helping sustain and strengthen families and communities. Please join us. Your donations bring warmth when it’s cold, shed light where it’s dark, and give strength when burdens grow heavy.
Contact us to donate, volunteer, or arrange for planned giving.