Island Services Team Changes Routine to Accommodate COVID-19 Precautions

by | Mar 16, 2020 | COVID-19 Updates, Island Health, Island Outreach, Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Sunbeam

L-R: Island Outreach Director Douglas Cornman, Island Health Director Sharon Daley.

BAR HARBOR, ME — With COVID-19 precautions in mind, the Sunbeam’s Island Services team (Douglas, Jillian, and Sharon) are suspending our regularly scheduled visits starting March 16th through March 31st. We will decide on how to best proceed as more information on the Coronavirus becomes available and we talk with islanders, island leadership, and island communities. We’ve made this decision to help flatten the curve and to keep islanders and their communities as safe and healthy as possible.

Island Services is available to you. Douglas and Sharon are discussing ways to best support you during this pandemic and would like to hear your ideas. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have immediate needs or have ideas of how we can support you and your communities.

As always, Sharon is available to work with you and your healthcare provider if you have any medical needs or concerns. Contact Douglas if you have pastoral needs and prayer requests. Contact either of us if you just need to hear a friendly voice and want to chat. We are here for you!

Contact information:
[email protected] or 207-542-9988
[email protected] or 207-479-0707

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