The Spring 2023 issue of The Bulletin is making its way to mailboxes across the country. Based around the theme of belonging, President John Zavodny notes in his opening letter the recent community feedback about the organization. Community members share that the Mission “meets you where you are,” “helps however you need help,” and offers a “place to belong.”
Belonging looks like different things to different people and The Bulletin features stories that highlight what that can look like: an iPad for a fisherman on Isle au Haut, a place for families to socialize on a winter weekend, and a program that gave students in Washington County the chance to push their boundaries and explore their passions while feeling accepted.
The Bulletin also looks at Mission’s impact in 2022 with information on the reach of its programs. This includes everything from the number of vaccines administered by Sunbeam crew to the number of students receiving food from the Mission’s backpack program.
The Bulletin also introduces two new staff members, Sunbeam nurse Simone Babineaux and Davis Maine Scholarship Program Director Ace Barrera. Peek inside the digital issue to watch videos of both share their experiences. There are also updates on our Scholarships and Island Outreach programs with video components as well.
Finally, included at the end of The Bulletin are the names of the donors for the past fiscal year. Without their continued support the Mission would not have been able to accomplish this important work.
To view the digital version of The Bulletin spring 2023 issue, please visit our Publications page.