Every year the Mission measures its programmatic work by putting a number to some of the work we do: the number of students attending a session of EdGE, the number of meals served on the Sunbeam, the number hours Davis Maine Scholars spent receiving one-on-one support. Our 2023 Impact Statement provides these output figures and more than 60 other numbers. These figures illustrate just a few of the many ways the Mission works with Downeast and coastal communities. 

Here are a few other numbers that might surprise you: 

  • 276 miles. The distance between two of the Mission’s 23 partner schools, Davis Maine Scholarship partner Clark University (in Worcester, MA to the west) to EdGE partner school Rose M. Gaffney Elementary School (to the east).  
  • 1 Hippo. The weight of the amount of food donated by community members to the Mission’s food pantry.  
  • 330 days. How long Mission volunteers worked if we converted the number of hours to days.  
  • 80 pages. The length of The Island Reader which features the work of residents of 11 unbridged islands.

From the island of Monhegan to the town of Machias in Washington County, Maine Seacoast Mission’s programs are hard-working and participating community members are invested. “Communities depend on Mission programming, and it is a privilege to be part of the lives of those we serve,” says President John Zavodny.  

The Mission is proud to have continually served Maine’s coastal and island communities for nearly than 120 years. Each year, the Impact Statement puts this work into context and highlights the unseen effect here in Maine. 

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