Off the Water: the Making of the Cherryfield Marquees
Every few weeks, no matter the weather, the marquee sign outside of the Narraguagus Post 8 of the American Legion in Cherryfield has something to tell you. Inspirational in nature, it is usually a quote from an author or musician, though it could be a funny quip....
From the Pilothouse: Captaining the Sunbeam
In 2001, when I learned there was a position available on the Sunbeam, I envisioned the romance of a career at sea. The fresh wind, the salt spray, the beautiful sunsets—sign me up! What does the boat do? As a local I knew it as “God’s Tugboat,” but really at that...
Commodity Boxes Support Seniors Downeast
Once a month, Food Security program volunteers and staff members travel from Steuben to Beals Island delivering commodity boxes to 120 seniors. These boxes contain a variety of shelf-stable foods meant to supplement the food recipients already have. The deliveries are...
Winter Activities Bring Families Together
At the Mission’s EdGE Center on any given Saturday in the winter, you can find kids (and adults) strapping on skates for the first time and hitting the ice. Other families warm up while playing board games after spending time snowshoeing. With the skating rink up and...
Downeast Homeowners Can Now Apply for Housing Repairs in 2023
A leaky roof fixed. Drafty windows insulated. Rotting stairs replaced. This is just some of the work that Mission volunteers have done to homes in Washington County as part of the Housing Improvement program. Since 2003, this Mission program has improved homes owned...
Join us on March 16 to learn more about Mission Downeast Capital Campaign
We invite members of the Downeast community to learn more about the Mission Downeast capital campaign and construction project during an informational event on our Cherryfield campus on Thursday, March 16 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. During this event, the public can...