Downeast ME Tiny House Update — Installing Two Sinks, a Shower, and a Toilet

Downeast ME Tiny House Update — Installing Two Sinks, a Shower, and a Toilet

CHERRYFIELD, ME — Several Assabet Valley Tech students have been hard at work on the Tiny House’s Plumbing for the better part of a week. Two sinks, a shower, and toilet have been installed. Our students are ready to move on to the next phase of construction.

Read more on the Downeast Maine Tiny House Project Blog.

Downeast ME Tiny House Update – Pouring Foundation Concrete on Veterans Day

Downeast ME Tiny House Update – Pouring Foundation Concrete on Veterans Day

CHERRYFIELD, ME — More good news from the Mission’s Housing Rehabilitation Manager Scott Shaw, who sends this job site photo with a County Concrete crew, and this note: “Happy to report the concrete contractors began the four step process last week, and were pouring today appropriately on Veterans Day.”

When completed, this house will belong to a formerly homeless US Military veteran with a disability.

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Thank You, Sigma Kappa for More Than a Century of Impacting Our Communities

Thank You, Sigma Kappa for More Than a Century of Impacting Our Communities

BAR HARBOR, ME — Thank You, Sigma Kappa for More Than a Century of Impacting Our Communities

Since 1918, Sigma Kappa Sorority has helped Maine Seacoast Mission communities many times, in many ways. From funding scholarships, to ensuring families have Christmas presents, to hands-on volunteer work in the Mission’s Housing Rehabilitation Program.

Thank you, Sigma Kappa for showing us what it means to live with heart.

Mission Celebrates First-Generation College Students

Mission Celebrates First-Generation College Students

BAR HARBOR, ME — In 2017, The Council for Opportunity in Education designated November 8t h as a day to celebrate first-generation college students. By first-generation (“first gen”), we mean students who will be the first members of their families to graduate from a four-year college.

According to The Center for First Generation Student Success:

November 8 was selected as the date for the annual National First-Generation College Celebration to honor the anniversary of the signing of the Higher Education Act of 1965. The Higher Education Act (“HEA”) emerged out of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty. Much like other hallmark legislation of that era such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, HEA was intended to help level a playing field that for too long had been weighed against Americans from minority and low income backgrounds.

In addition to creating federal grants and loan programs to help students finance their educations, the legislation made key investments in institutions of higher education. Additionally, HEA ushered in programs, particularly the Federal TRIO programs, necessary for post-secondary access, retention and completion for low income, potential first-generation college graduates.

  • 62% of our Maine Seacoast Mission Scholarship recipients are first gen.

  • 100% of our college exploration and engagement program students are first gen.

Today and every day, we honor you, your families and communities and celebrate your courage and perseverance as you journey to and through college!

Learn more about the Mission Scholarship program.

From MA to Milbridge: Collaboration Helps Secure Home for Veteran

From MA to Milbridge: Collaboration Helps Secure Home for Veteran

From Massachusetts to Milbridge: Collaboration helps secure home for veteran

By Spencer Roberts |
Posted: Tue 5:29 PM, Nov 05, 2019

MILBRIDGE, Maine (WABI) – “To see it drawn on a napkin three years ago and be a dream to being a reality, it’s pretty amazing.”

Scott Shaw is the housing rehab manager for Maine Seacoast Mission. When he looks at this construction zone in Milbridge, he sees the start of a new life for a veteran.

Full story

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