Maine Seacoast Mission – Thank You, Machias Savings Bank

Maine Seacoast Mission – Thank You, Machias Savings Bank

Maine Seacoast Mission thanks you, Machias Savings Bank.

Portland Press Herald
Community News Briefs
December 16, 2019


Community Development Grants awarded to 22 groups

Machias Savings Bank Foundation last month awarded more than $150,000 in Community Development Grants to 22 organizations, whose services have statewide reach and impact.

The full list of recipients includes:

• Washington & Hancock Counties: Maine Seacoast Mission, $5,000

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There is Still Time to Help Give a Merry Christmas

There is Still Time to Help Give a Merry Christmas

CHERRYFIELD, ME — Marilyn Nickson, our Christmas Program Manager, welcomes a late gift arrival. Yes, there is still time to help a family, a child, a senior have a Merry Christmas.

You can download our Christmas Wish List 2019 here. The Wish List includes package mailing instructions.

Also, this year is the first time the Mission is also offering our Amazon Christmas Wish List for those of you who prefer shopping online and letting someone else take care of the mailing.

Either way, Merry Christmas and thank you for your help.

Bar Harbor Bank & Trust Donating Toys for Mission Christmas Program

Bar Harbor Bank & Trust Donating Toys for Mission Christmas Program

BAR HARBOR, ME — Bar Harbor Bank & Trust Senior Vice President Lisa Lyn Parsons sends very welcome news to the Mission: BHB&T is donating two loads of toys for the Mission’s Christmas Program.

Thank you, Senior VP Parsons and to all the BHB&T staff and employees making this happen. Merry Christmas!

You can learn all about the Mission’s signature Christmas Program, download this year’s Christmas Wish List, and give a gift by mail or online. Click Here.

‘Sunbeam V’ Day Ends 22-Miles at Sea on a Fun Bingo Night

‘Sunbeam V’ Day Ends 22-Miles at Sea on a Fun Bingo Night

MATINICUS ISLAND, ME — Sunbeam V Steward Jillian took these photos recently while on a Mission trip to Matinicus, which is 22 miles at sea from the mainland.

Jillian writes, “Boy, was it a fun night on Matinicus playing bingo together after taco feast. In one photo, Josh takes a turn at calling out bingo numbers.

For prizes, we all brought gift wrapped items from our lives that we wanted to find a good home. Austin is thrilled to have gotten this snazzy skull mug.”

Learn more about the Sunbeam V crew’s work.



Old ‘Sunbeam V’ Looking More Like New ‘Sunbeam V’

Old ‘Sunbeam V’ Looking More Like New ‘Sunbeam V’

BELFAST, ME — Captain Mike Johnson sent these captioned Sunbeam V refit photos. On a Mission video-conference several days earlier, Capt. Mike told the Mission team the refit was at a point where, for the first time, viewers could tell what the boat will look like finished.

Now, with these photos in hand, we see exactly what Mike is talking about. Onward and upward!

Thank You, Bar Harbor Bank & Trust for Giving Back

Thank You, Bar Harbor Bank & Trust for Giving Back

December 5, 2019

Bar Harbor Bank & Trust gives back

In celebration of Giving Tuesday, Bar Harbor Bank & Trust announces the year-to-date results of its charitable giving programs. From January through November 2019, BHBT has donated more than $400,000 to approximately 450 nonprofit organizations throughout Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. This includes more than $40,000 donated through the employee-driven giving program, Casual for a Cause.

“As a community bank, we understand the importance of partnering with nonprofit organizations so our collective efforts can make a significant impact on the communities where we live and work,” said Jack Frost, Vice President, Director of Community Giving, in a press release. “Nonprofit organizations provide critical services for families and individuals in need, and it’s our honor to help them….”

Some of the organizations that the bank has donated in Maine during 2019 include…Maine Seacoast Mission….

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