It’s Thank you Thursday for Ellsworth Shaw’s & Walmart

It’s Thank you Thursday for Ellsworth Shaw’s & Walmart

BAR HARBOR, ME — It’s Thank you Thursday and today’s shout out of Mission Love goes to Shaw’s and Walmart in the City of Ellsworth. Both stores continue increasing their donations of fresh, nutritious food to keep pace with the increase in demand at the Mission’s Food Pantry. Walmart and Shaw’s meats, dairy, and other foods are always appreciated at the Food Pantry.

“They have made a big impact on us,” said Mission Downeast Facilities Manager Scott Shaw. “We’ve seen a 100-percent increase in Food Pantry use. Walmart and Shaw’s significantly increased their donations after the coronavirus pandemic started.” So much so, said Scott, he’s had to use a bigger truck with more helpers loading boxes when picking up donations from the two Ellsworth stores.

Walmart’s Feeding America program, and Shaw’s Nourishing Neighbors program are helping many people, many families.

This is what community looks like.

Class of 2020 – Congratulations to All Our Mission Scholars

Class of 2020 – Congratulations to All Our Mission Scholars

BAR HARBOR, ME — “We see you, celebrate you, and offer here applause for you to see, if not hear. You are first-generation college graduates, researchers, artists, world travelers, athletes, and community-service champions in your local communities.”

Mission scholarship recipients graduating college and high school in 2020 are among those gifted students, nationwide, whose graduation ceremonies were either stopped or significantly changed by coronavirus precautions.

In the Mission’s Spring 2020 The Bulletin, we remind the nation that those precautions can never change what these scholars have accomplished.

You can read or download The Bulletin online here.

Being Creative – Terri Gift Wraps, Mails #MISSIONTOGETHER T-Shirts to Scholars

Being Creative – Terri Gift Wraps, Mails #MISSIONTOGETHER T-Shirts to Scholars

BAR HARBOR, ME — Mission Director of Scholarships Terri Rodick sends these photos with a brief message: “Trying to be creative. Sending out 94 t-shirts to our scholars.”

Terri is always creative directing our Scholarships program. Even moreso in her day-to-day interactions with Mission scholarship recipients.

This year, of course, the coronavirus demands new ways of creativity and interaction — like designing and producing #MISSIONTOGETHER t-shirts, wrapping them individually in bright colored paper, and mailing them to almost 100 isolated students.

Nice work, Terri.

Learn more about the Mission Scholarship Program.

Food Pantry Receives Big Donations of Meat, Produce, Bread

Food Pantry Receives Big Donations of Meat, Produce, Bread

CHERRYFIELD, ME — Scott Shaw, Mission Downeast Campus Facilities Manager, earlier this week emailed a photo of a welcome sight in the back of a Mission delivery truck.

“Received big donations of meat, produce and bread this morning from Shaw’s and Walmart. Should be well stocked on everything for this coming week,” said Scott.

Learn more about the Mission Food Pantry.

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